Roses, one of the world’s most beautiful bays

Roses and its perfect bay, surrounded by natural parks and lookouts from which to breathe the magic of the colours of a land and people that have inspired genius and wonder and make its inhabitants proud. Welcome to a village that has been welcoming visitors since time immemorial. Long beaches of fine sand, hidden coves in a privileged setting, a landscape brimming with vineyards by the sea, breathtaking vantage points, a cuisine based on the fish that arrives at the market daily, people who live their traditions with passion, monuments that are a testament to settlements ancient times, including Neolithic, Greek, Roman, Visigoth, Mediaeval… A town that invites you to stay or, at the very least, come back often.



    The Prominent Role of the Landscape

    If we wanted to concentrate all the essence of Roses in a single word, it would undoubtedly be landscape. Can you think of any other place located between two natural parks and at the beginning of the arc that forms one of the most beautiful bays in the world? Neither can we.


    Prehistory and History Everywhere You Look

    The traces of the first settlers in the form of dolmens and menhirs, the Greek and Roman remains of the Ciutadella de Roses, the Trinity Castle, the anti-aircraft shelters from the Spanish Civil War, the Falconera bunkers, the modernist buildings of the old quarter… you will see prehistory and history everywhere you look.

  • PHOTOGRAPHER ElBulli1846


    Yes, we are the city of El Bulli, for many years the best restaurant in the world. As it could not be otherwise, its legacy has served to inspire and open new horizons in the local culinary scene, without forgetting our roots and traditional dishes, based on the fresh fish that arrives every day in the port’s fish market.


    Active Nature

    Activities in nature are the ideal way to get to know our environment. Feel the Mediterranean breeze as you tour the Cap de Creus Park on foot or by bike, embark on a leisurely kayak trip to discover inaccessible corners or immerse yourself in the fascinating marine world on an exciting scuba diving excursion. Roses, active by nature.

  • PHOTOGRAPHER Oscar Rodbag


    Traditions are a foundation of the authenticity of our history and our culture. From the vibrant carnival to the havaneres and the cremat, passing through the sardana and the majesty of the giants and fireworks, each festivity is a reflection of the identity of Roses.

    Fishing and olive oil production connect the community to its maritime and agricultural roots, keeping alive the essence of past generations.

Roses and its perfect bay, surrounded by natural parks and lookouts from which to breathe the magic of the colours of a land and people that have inspired genius and wonder and make its inhabitants proud. Welcome to a village that has been welcoming visitors since time immemorial. Long beaches of fine sand, hidden coves in a privileged setting, a landscape brimming with vineyards by the sea, breathtaking vantage points, a cuisine based on the fish that arrives at the market daily, people who live their traditions with passion, monuments that are a testament to settlements ancient times, including Neolithic, Greek, Roman, Visigoth, Mediaeval… A town that invites you to stay or, at the very least, come back often.